Global Leadership Summit (Day 2 -- Twitter Recap)
Day 2 of the Global Leadership Summit was a mind feast. Summit faculty Horst Schulze, Sheila Heen, Brian Houston, Sam Adeyemi, Liz Wiseman, and Craig Groeschel providing the meal. Here are 60 thought-provoking lines. You can find more by searching Twitter using #GLS15, or visit @wcagls or @tommykiedis.
Horst Schulze
Chairman and CEO, Capella Hotel Group; Founding President and Former COO, The Ritz-Carlton Group
Session Title: Creating World Class Service
- Caring is what service means.
- Customer loyalty: It means customers trust you.
- Consumers want three things: 1) Defect-free product; 2) Timeliness (quick service); 3) Nice (caring) service.
- Service starts the instant you make contact -- the first 10 seconds (telephone or in person).
- Great service is compliance to your customer's need.
- Service: Welcome, Comply, Farewell.
- People become loyal in the moment they know someone cares for them.
- Leaders serve their teams by leading them to excellence.
- The key product we produce is service & respect to human beings.
- Creating World Class Service: "If you get the complaint you own it."
- We deliver three things: 1) Defect-free product; 2) Timeliness (quick service); 3) Caring (nice service).
Sheila Heen
Founder, Triad Consulting Group; Faculty, Harvard Law School
Session Title: Thanks For The Feedback
- Feedback is my relationship with the world and the world's relationship with me.
- Feedback conversations are hard, but these conversations help leaders to get the best of their people & vice versa.
- If I'm going to drive my own learning, I'm going to have to learn to receive feedback even when it comes poorly.
- A.C.E. - Three different kinds of feedback (we need them all). A=Appreciation, C=Coaching, E=Evaluation.
- Good questions about feedback: How much are you receiving? How much do you need?
- Getting better at receiving feedback does not obligate you to take the feedback.
- Three trigger reactions to feedback: 1 Truth (the content) 2 Relationship (the person) 3 Identity (my wiring)
- Feedback. First you have to understand what they are saying and then think about it.
- Seeing yourself accurately is essential for receiving feedback.
- Two feedback mirrors: Supportive mirror (people who reassure us); Honest mirror (people who tell us when we're not our best).
- The fastest way to change the culture of feedback is for the leader to get better at receiving feedback.
- Learning to receive feedback from each other is what leadership and the Christian walk are all about.
Brian Houston, @brianchouston
Founder and Global Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church
Session Title: One On One With Brian Houston
- Music is an arrowhead for a healthy church.
- I am great believer that when he Jesus said, "I will build my church..." he really will build it.
- "Longevity is perhaps the greatest strength anyone can have as a leader." HT @wcagls
- If you just keep up again every time you get knocked down, God does great things.
- When you get the right person in the right place at the right time God will bless it.
- Appreciate the vulnerability & honesty of @BrianCHouston sharing the reality of life's disappointments/living at the redline.
Sam Adeyemi, @sam_adeyemi
Founder and Senior Pastor, Daystar Christian Centre in Nigeria
Session Title: Crushing The Power Chasm
- You will not find the definition of success for your ministry/orgnization until you help the people... to succeed.
- Often the lack of growth is self-centeredness. James 4:3
- Sometimes things don't grow b/c something tells us (as leaders) they cannot do what we can do.
- Jesus did not only crushed the power gap. He overturned it. Luke 22:27
Liz Wiseman, @lizwiseman
President, The Wiseman Group, Best-Selling Author
Session Title: Rookie Smarts, Why Learning Beats Knowing
- It's not what you know, it's how fast you learn.
- Is it possible we are at our best when we know our very least -- when we are rookies?
- When challenge level at work is up, satisfaction is up too. When challenge is low, satisfaction is low too.
- In rookie state we work faster...b/c we're desperate. We are in pioneer mode, on the frontiers of our knowledge.
- The rookie zone is powerful b/c we don't like it. There's tension and we want to reduce it. We work.
- Signs you are on a plateau: 1 Things are running smoothly. 2 You have the answers. 3 You get positive feedback
- How to to master the pivot (learner/leader): Shift from Knower to Learner (Ask questions. Admit what you don't know.)
- Leaders need more than just a forward gear. Sometimes they need to stop ... or go into reverse and be mentored.
- If you want your team to stay relevant, lead your team into the unknown.
- Good leaders know when to get their rookie on!
Craig Groeschel, @craiggroeschel
Founder and Senior Pastor,
Session Title: Expanding Your Leadership Capacity
- Your brain does not comprehend what your body is capable of. There is far more in you than you thought possible.
- I came to the Summit this year to tell somebody that there is way more in you than you can imagine.
- Leaders: If you don't change the way you think you will be the lid for the organization
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 1. Build your confidence by changing the way you talk to yourself. Ps 42:5
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 2.Expand your connections.
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 3. Improve your confidence. You may not know what it is; others do.
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 4. Strengthen your character.
- 5 Cs to expand your leadership capacity: 5. Increase your commitment. Time to stop kinda trying to do something.
- You are not who others say you are, you are who I say you are. If God has called you, step through your fear.
- Show me who you are listening to and I will show you who you are becoming.
- You may be one relationship away from changing your destiny.
- Learn: Don't try to copy what they do, learn how they think.
- Whenever you find yourself where you want to push back, that is probably the place where you need to learn the most.
- Decide specifically where you need to improve: communication, listening, delegating, work ethic, feedback ... think!
- Talent can get you there, but only character will keep you there.
- You are only as strong as you are honest.
- The church does not exist for us, the church exists for the world.
Most re-tweeted and Favorited:
It is interesting to see what captures the hearts and minds of others. Here my tweets most re-tweeted or favorited by others (in ascending order):
- Leaders need more than just a forward gear. Sometimes they need to stop ... or go into reverse and be mentored. @LizWiseman
- Decide specifically where you need to improve: communication, listening, delegating, work ethic, feedback ... think! @CraigGroeschel
- I am great believer that when he Jesus said, "I will build my church..." he really will build it. @BrianCHouston
- Music is an arrowhead for a healthy church. @BrianCHouston
- Consumers want three things: 1) Defect-free product; 2) Timeliness (quick service); 3) Nice service Horst Schulze
- A.C.E. - Three different kinds of feedback (we need them all). A=Appreciation, C=Coaching, E=Evaluation. Sheila Heen
- Feedback conversations are hard, but these conversations help leaders to get the best of their people & vice versa. S Heen
- 7 People become loyal in the moment they know someone cares for them. Horst Schulze
- It's not what you know, it's how fast you learn. @LizWiseman